We have all experienced varying degrees of stress and trauma in our lives. Our minds will make up stories to make it all make sense, and those become our programs. Our bodies hold onto what we don't process in this culture where supression is encouraged and repression is normalized. Experience a full nervous system reset in 6 weeks and tap into your peak performance.
PSYCH-K® basic training
PSYCH-K® master facilitation
PSYCH-K® advanced training
PSYCH-K® health and well-being
This particular breathwork modality is profound and life-changing. I discovered this form of breathwork and immediatley recognized what an amazing compliment it is for my top-down (PSYCH-K) work, as it allows you to get into your body and release anything that you have been holing onto there.
I host immersive journeys within- where I guide you to use your breath and release the things that no longer serve you as you gain clarity on your direction, purspose, and things that need to change in your life.
You truly have all the answers you need within you, and I delight in helping you tap into your own innate intelligence so that you can create a life you love.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Emotion Code
Gestalt Psychotherapy
Oxygen Advantage
Subconscious Imprinting Technique (SIT)