About Me

I'm a mama to 4 beautiful children. Widow, aspiring author, mindset maven, music lover, and growth guide. I have overcome A LOT in this one beautiful life I have been given, and I want to help you do the same.

  • I grew up thinking there "wasn't enough"

  • I learned to blame other people and my circumstances for things that weren't going the way I wanted

  • I felt like no matter how hard I tried or whatever I did, it wasn't good enough

Hi, I'm Tracy

I use the following tools to help my clients:


This has been the most effective tool I have ever used to create instant and noticeable change for myself and clients. This form of energy psychology addresses the root cause of self-limitation and empowers people by aligning their conscious understanding on a subconscious level.

Applied kinesiology (muscle testing) is used to communicate directly with the subconscious mind, and the process uses visualization, breath, and bilateral stimulation to make the energetic shift to a whole-brain state.

  • PSYCH-K® basic training

  • PSYCH-K® master facilitation

  • PSYCH-K® advanced training

  • PSYCH-K® health and well-being

Additional Training/Tools

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

  • Chakra Clearing

  • Gestalt Psychotherapy