Reset your nervous system
to optimize your health, improve your sleep, and inrease your peace.
Private 1-on-1 Coaching
Subconscious programming from childhood will often keep our nervous systems activated. You will have personalized meetings to re-wire your subconscious mind for success.
Group Breathwork Events
Our bodies will hold onto painful memories and experiences we surpressed. These events will allow you the space and activation needed to release the things that no longer serve you.
Personalized Breathing Plan
Our breath is our most powerful ally in maintaining presence, staying regulated, and changing our state. Learn how to use your breath for optimal health and performance.
Proven methods that work
Leverage your most powerful tools to create lasting change. Taking control of you subconscious programming and your breath will allow you to access peace you never knew possible.
Functional Breathing
9-week Program
To reset your nervous system and change the way you show up in life
Reprogram your limiting beliefs
Work directly with an expert on identifying and shifting beliefs that keep you and your habits on repeat. This work is aligned on a subconscious level- making change easy.
Release past pain and trauma
If you surpress pain and repress emotions, you will carry that energy in your body until it is released. Attend events designed for allowing you to express and release tension and pressure in your body and in your life.
Clarity on what your body has been telling you
All emotions, illness, and disease are our bodies trying to communicate with us. When we medicate and address symptoms, our body simply finds other ways of trying to communicate and the suffering, need for medication, and frustration grows.
Trust your body, your capacity, and the process
We are often programmed from an early age that change is hard, we need to work for health, and we will have the illnesses that are prevelant in our families. Epigenetics proves that this old way of thinking is outdated and disempowering.
Develop a personalized action plan
Everyone is different, and every person needs to shift and focus on different aspects of thier lives to embody health and peace. Work with our experts to determine what you need to do to meet your goals.
Commit to change and embrace accountability
Meaningful change does not happen by accident. Connect to the support available over the next 9 weeks to ensure your action plan is implemented and you get the results you want.
When nothing you have tried has worked
it is time to reclaim your power and learn how to use your most powerful tools
Our customers Experience
Unlocking their power